What is SEO?

SEO is a type of digital Marketing that improves the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. If done well for certain keywords, your website will rank on Google’s first page.

No matter how niche or mainstream your market is, great content remains a significant focus for SEO.

Kristopher Jones

Google Web crawler

This is a google bot that gathers information about all the content they can find on the internet and then brings the information back to the search engine and start to build an index. The index is fed through an algorithm that tries to match all the data with a query

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Paid Ads Vs SEO

Paid Ads -you spend money for your website to be ranked on the first page based on certain keywords.

SEO – you optimize your website to rank on the first page so that you continue to get free organic traffic as the Google algorithm continues to give you free traffic.

What Google Ranking Algorithm looks at

  • Trust and authority of your page
  • Links popularity of the specific page
  • Anchor Text
  • On-page Keyword usage
  • Registration and Hosting Data
  • Social Graph Metrics

Top 5 SEO ranking factors

  1. Backlinks – This gives google a clear signal about how good your site is in terms of quality and relevance. Google looks at :
  • The total number of links on your page
  • The authority of the page linking to it
  • The diversity of your backlinks
  1. Content – Content needs to be relevant, long, and in-depth.
  2. Page Speed, Mobile friendliness, and User experience
  3. search engine result gets either by the number of views or impressions.
  4. HTTPS Encryption – Secure websites ranks higher than websites with insecure connection.
  5. Click Through Rate (CTR) – This refers to the number of clicks on your website’s 

Ranking Elements on Google 

Gan Technologies LTD

On-Page Elements

  • Page Title
  • URL
  • Headings: H1, H2, H3 etc
  • Keywords
  • Content – let be at least 1,200 words, must be relevant and in-depth
  • Outbound Authority links
  • Internal Links
  • Image Optimization

Off-Page Elements (Backlinks)

  • Natural Links
  • Manually inserted links
  • Niche Relevant Links
  • High Authority Links

Google SEO ranking (Bucketlist)

Gan Technologies LTD
  • 70+ Directory Listing subscription
  • Google Business Listing Setup
  • Google Analytics setup
  • Google Search Console Setup
  • Broken Link Audit
  • 301 Page Redirects
  • XML Sitemap Setup
  • Page Titles
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • 404 Errors
  • NAP Optimization
  • Fetch & Render in Google Search Console
  • Schema (structured Data)


  • Page Title
  • Meta Descriptions
  • URL
  • H1, H2, H3
  • Content 500 words + with outbound authority links
  • Google Map Embed of business location
  • Youtube Video Embed
  • Link Social Media Accounts to the website
  • Inner Links
  • Install Yoast WP login


  • Press Releases (every 2-3 months)
  • Social signals (social media posting links)
  • Backlinks
  • 301 redirects from other domains
  • 70+ Directory Listing subscription
  • Must have NAP (Name, email, phone)
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